Posted on November 10th, 2007 by s&S.
Categories: .


What can you expect to hear on the shirley and Spinoza radio stream 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

  • excerpts, lifts and edits from our past pirate fm & webcasts
  • excerpts from past live guest shows
  • contemporary concoctions by s&S
  • collage, music, radio and soundworks by our favorite soundmaking associates – near and far
  • music the super-computer justs plain likes a whole lot
  • extractions/ edits from the columns of old records that prop the virtual studio ceiling up
  • old timey radio, stories
  • field and travel recordings
  • phone messages, call-ins
  • stray noises, grabs from the ether (via shortwave radio)
  • submissions from listeners!
  • ..and LIVE webcasts (* though not currently)

What’s in the…….

shirley & Spinoza
R A D I O    A R C H I V E

The s & S Archive is where you can find streamable/downloadable archive info & audio files of past live shows. While hardly every single show ever done is represented here (it’s a slow process to get the oldest ones up), there are still days if not weeks of continuous listening available within. These include, live music & sound performances, live collage mixes, guests, noise, vintage s&S, and even a few mystery bonuses!

so, go go go… go and find out more by clicking on the image above, below or the usual Archive link in the sidebar!

Behold a random selections from the Archive below:



Comment on November 27th, 2007.

yeah shirley & spinoza or sponoza or spanoza is bäck -you rock

David Longey

Comment on December 2nd, 2007.

Hooray! Hoorah! And a big blast of Hooblydoobly dingdongdillywillywatchadingdangdoo!

Life was getting too normal. Glad to see S&S back on the webwaves!


Comment on January 20th, 2008.

Jebus – I have just been introduced to the crazy world of Shirley & Spinoza and I just simply love it. Feeling at home at once :)
Please keep the madness up, and I will stay tuned!

Sincerely / il LupoLupo

Miss Weronika

Comment on February 3rd, 2008.

You are crazy. This station is a gem.
People of earth will be happy to hear it.
I hope someday all nations enjoy shirley and spinoza
just like cokacola.


Comment on February 9th, 2008.

dada radio!

gruss aus bern, diledadafish:-)

(ps: i love anna)

Keiran Ramburn

Comment on February 25th, 2008.

You have great Korean diction.


Comment on April 27th, 2008.

Found you on Streamdir keep up the great work. Awesome sounds!

Alexia Vassiliou

Comment on April 27th, 2008.

Dear Shirley and Spinoza,you have been keeping me the most perfect company for the past month,during a creative process, for over 19 hours a day .My friend and colleague, great Greek artist, Pantelis Pantelopoulos spoke to me of you.
I find your choice of Music and word, Inspiring, empowering, educational.
Thank u from Athens Greece, Alexia Vassiliou{singer,composer,lyricist}

Greg Daddazio

Comment on July 7th, 2008.

are you still in business? i listen to your station everyday and it sounds as though you are playing the same songs. is there something i am missing?


Comment on September 9th, 2008.

I have been listening to this radio station for about three years, and it is a huge source of inspiration and amazing humor!

I love it!


Comment on November 18th, 2008.

What a bonkers station!! I love it!


Comment on December 9th, 2008.

Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja, Nee Nee Nee Nee Nee, Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja, Nee Nee Nee Nee Nee, Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja, Nee Nee Nee Nee Nee, obwohl, watren sie, ja, das ist gut. Ich glaub ich habs, das ist wirklich gutes Radio. Ja, das muss es sein!

Mit kontinuierlichen Grüßen


Comment on January 1st, 2009.

Thanks for your inspirational work. Remember, Jesus loves you (or at least THINKS he does)


Comment on February 20th, 2009.

Shirley & Spinoza is World Cultural Heritage! Never ever stop polluting air with waves so magnificent!!!!


Comment on March 16th, 2009.

the station would be better if you played some foreigner or more top forty.


Comment on March 17th, 2009.

Here is my comment. Please feel free to use it for any purpose, public or private.


Comment on April 29th, 2009.

I laugh and love you sooooo much !


Comment on May 1st, 2009.

what a relief, to know that it wont matter that much, if one day my harddrive with all my audio dies … since there will still be SHIRLEY & SPINOZA


Comment on May 29th, 2009.

Zod Approves!


Comment on June 13th, 2009.

i’ve been listening for 5 days and still no “Yolk, as in egg” Speak-n-Spell duet. What gives?


Comment on June 15th, 2009.

are you guys still making live shows?? I sure hope to hear some realtime live sunday shows….

Greeting to all of you from holland


Comment on June 22nd, 2009.

@ Weesh, thanks for the avid ear! – Texas Instruments (makers of Speak & Spell) threatened to sue the hat, vest & pants off of us for unlicensed use of their trademark. So, we just play it at night when they (and you?) are asleep. Apologies. Stay tuned.

@ christafrix – being behind the great f*rewall of China the last years, “us guys” have a hard time sharing live, realtime shows with any reliability.. all the tests have been hit or miss. New shows are set to return soon, and while they will be created live, they will most likely be posted here as downloads. The Remote Operator is thinking of you, never fear.


Comment on August 12th, 2009.

I though you guys were dead long ago, anyways glad your back, tuning in….


Comment on August 12th, 2009.

@moldy – “I thought you were dead” is my favorite kind of compliment. Thanks! s&S is a hobby project after all. I wish it weren’t so, but sometimes other responsibilities have to take center stage for a while. Thanks for the ear and stay tuned for more very soon.


Comment on September 3rd, 2009.

I laugh and love you sooooo much !;…


Comment on September 4th, 2009.

Fausto! How’s it hanging?
Just to let you know, your presence in our virtual wonderland ‘Curious Inc.’ in SecondLife has not gone unmarked! People often ask me ‘What is this strange nonsense on the airwaves??’
Good times. I’m thinking of putting up some promotional posters. Keep on keepin’ on!


Comment on October 7th, 2009.

Good noise, thank you very much.


Comment on October 12th, 2009.

please live shows again!


Comment on November 2nd, 2009.

this is probably awesome! Thumbs up!


Comment on November 6th, 2009.

Simply imperfect, that’s why you are perfect!

teutonic cowgirl

Comment on December 29th, 2009.

To Fausto and the Wolf – Preparing to go to the land that would rather never have spawned chomsky and folks of your ilk, so S&s will be my mind medicine innoculating me against going mental below the mason-dixon line. Thanks ya’ll!! Yeehaw…


Comment on February 1st, 2010.

moin it was great radio weekend
im just a livetime DJ and sound junkyyyyy!
how much persons made the musik from friday28.1.10 till 31.10.10
kan i have email adresses from the artists for booking them to make partys and other great fucking propeller musik and have a lot of fun :-)
pleas contactz me on replay1@gmx.net
thanks for thinking of futur
by artist of all areas


Comment on February 11th, 2010.

@alex: I’m afraid I can’t answer questions like “what played 28/1/10 till 31/1/10?” since what you are hearing is mostly automated and the range of time zones involved, depending on where you are listening from, makes such questions a little confusing. It’s better to ask via the CONTACT page while including a copy-and-pasted ‘recent history list’ that you will find on this page: http://compound-eye.org/currently/
additionally, If I (remote operator) happen to be online, you can also use the NEW *live chat* feature on that same page to ask anything and get a response in real-time.


Comment on April 11th, 2010.

from the s&S CHATTERBOX:
TomTheBaker: Times sure have changed. Used to be we’d do a show by getting together in the same little KCIA radio booth with shopping carts loaded up with records. Now, the whole operation’s moved overseas and we’re typing into these little text boxes to make our requests. Well, here’s my request: more independently produced radio dramas. Where’s the commander and LIMN these days?
plasticbrain: More math answers. Thank you.
Serena: What a gem! I just learned about you tonight Finally, something I can turn on and leave on all day without getting bored
orbus: Say, remoteoperator. Suppose it’s your birthday. Someone gives you a calfskin wallet. How do you react?
Nightride: I’m kinda smitten. Thanks for being you.
LN: Hello, I just want to say that I love this station and I’m so glad that I walked into Subrosa in Santa Cruz at just the right time to hear them playing this in the cafe. <3 Happily Exposed.
EmorDniLap: S&S radio has been my #1 streaming station for years now, right behind WFMU!!! Love you, always change, never stay the same!

Wes Modes

Comment on April 29th, 2010.

So so so strange. It done got blogged about: http://nightrideproject.blogspot.com/2010/04/tonights-music.html

Matt B.

Comment on May 16th, 2010.

I am speechless! A treasure for sure.


Comment on September 1st, 2010.

agimus tibi gratias, omnipotens deis, pro his et universis donis tuis, quae de tua largitate accepimus, qiu vivas et regnas et es deus in saecula saeculorum. and that.


Comment on September 1st, 2010.

from the s&S CHATTERBOX:
PhilFreedom: hey awesome audio wave generators! I playyour radio stream in the coffeeshop I work at. been listening for years. people always ask what I’m playing. love it. based outta china makes it even more of interest. thanks bazillions!
Anon3654: amazing radio btw … all my coworkers hate me for listening to it all day.
Roobenroo: hello remote operator, recently discovered this station..better than anything I have heard before. Thankyou for enlightening me!
EmorDniLap: S&S radio has been my #1 streaming station for years now, right behind WFMU!!! Love you, always change, never stay the same!
Nightride: I’m kinda smitten. Thanks for being you.
Serena: What a gem! I just learned about you tonight
Serena: Finally, something I can turn on and leave on all day without getting bored ••


Comment on September 1st, 2010.

from the s&S CHATTERBOX:
Anon8774: i´m glad, sooo glad that this exists…. uhuuuu!!! thank you
melek: when i switch on your radio station, i always need to jump five times..
SonattaMorales: hmmm i’m loving this ….
VonRoth: I wish I was able to turn this station off. It is just so addicting and amazing!
Anon3146: mutluyum ooo00ooooooo
Alienfreaknugget: Porest is simply brilliant. Thank you for playing. Just ordered a copy of Mood Noose.
blipvert: Hi there Remoteoperator! Just wanted to say, I discovered this stream about a week ago, and am loving it!
bonggob: hell this is the most awesome webradio ive found
kramerx: always great music…


Comment on January 22nd, 2011.

U R BEST !!!


Comment on September 3rd, 2011.

Das ist ja wohl das Ungewöhnlichste, was mir zu Ohren gekommen ist. Die Adresse ist schon als Lesezeichen gesetzt, wenn andere Sender nur dudeln, dann seid Ihr dran. Die Auswahl ist gut, um Nachbarn im Garten zu ärgern.


Comment on March 26th, 2012.

Why no more comments? I LOVE YOU, Shirley & Spinoza, only girlfriend I will marry for the rest of my life.

C Tatge

Comment on April 6th, 2012.

Shirley and Spinoza keeps my coffee warm.

The random injection of sound sometimes I let play through a very efficient microphone. It’s that good.

Pretty soon, we won’t even be able to look you guys up on the Internet!

Zeit unter Entstehung

Comment on April 9th, 2012.

Wir möchten für eine hervorragende, erstklassige Internet Radio Kunst Kanal, die wirklich erweitert die Möglichkeiten des menschlichen Geistes, um das Niveau und die Herausforderungen, dass die Zukunft setzt, um unser begrenzter Verstand erreichen basierend auf streng definierten Kategorien unbekannt für den weiten Ozean von humanen cosciousness zu gratulieren. So thanks.


Comment on June 30th, 2012.

so next time you are in the bay area, we should have s&S session at uB research kitchen !!


Comment on January 12th, 2013.

It’s time for a first feedback in 2013… I love your radio with all the unique sounds and noises! It’s my daily soundtrack and my vitamins. Thanks!


Comment on February 7th, 2013.


TradeMark G

Comment on February 23rd, 2013.

Keep churning it out! w00t! Don’t stop the stream EVER!


Comment on March 17th, 2013.

Great choices, thank you

kekko neits

Comment on April 28th, 2013.

this is te kek yo!
keep on doing what you do, i love it!


Comment on November 9th, 2013.

Been a fan since… maybe ’99? Started listening on my old bondi blue Yosemite G3. You have got to be one of the oldest radio stations on the tubes at this point. Keep it up. If you die, please make sure the feed is set to repeat first.


Comment on December 13th, 2013.

wish I could have this music embedded in my head… actually, I guess it is. Thanks for this gift and for yximillo, the notable wobbly, PLU, ECC, stock, hausen and walkman, leadbelly…etc.

I only wish you had a gift shop where I could buy this music (if it’s not on FMA)


Comment on September 5th, 2014.



Comment on September 11th, 2014.

Wonderful place! Thank you!


Comment on March 19th, 2015.

A bit of KMPX 1967 midnight – 6 AM …. 24 hours a day. Nostalgic and new.. Hardly normal.. Thank you, bless you!


Comment on June 30th, 2015.

You are my favorite radio.

Through your stream I found out and discover the greatest bands i’ve never heard before. Keep doing it, please.

With love from Ukraine.


Comment on May 24th, 2017.

Fast 400 Millionen für ein interessantes Immoobjekt in Südfrankreich namens Palais Bulles und ihr spielt hier blödsinnige Versionen von Geräuschen. Wie kann man nur so gelangweilt sein!
Mit trunkenen liebevollen Grüßen


Comment on October 27th, 2017.

Fausto? Fausto? Mr. Remote Operator? Are you there? So glad the stream is still going. Amazing! I had a hankering for some Spinoza and there it still was, churning the best set of collaged and concatenated audio bits bouncing around this planet. A good friend went to junior high with Vint Cerf, so that naturally led me to think of Dave, then Fausto and S&S, and then this webhole.Yeah!

Nikita from Ukraine

Comment on May 14th, 2018.

It’s just the best radio I’ve ever heard! Absolutely amazing musical humour! Thank you guys for producing such wonderful top-graded stuff!!!)


Comment on June 19th, 2018.

This must never stop, please! PLEASE!!


Comment on December 28th, 2018.

thanks and thank you. ears tears and more, behind the old bridge. no poem no cry no tear this year. 2018 and 2019 no problem. thank you so much shirley & spinoza

Matt from Australia

Comment on February 23rd, 2019.

Hi, tuning in from Sydney, Australia. I found your station from spinning around a world map and seeing what was up in China. Bizarre. No idea what your story is, but great music anyway. What planet am I on, btw?


Comment on February 26th, 2019.

Found you through Reddit. Great channel! Thanks


Comment on March 20th, 2019.

Wow, just wow
I’ve found you by radio garden, and i can say that is the best happening of the year
You rock lml

M. N.Wales

Comment on April 1st, 2019.

Cha cha…..cha cha cha ? Beef and cheese ? Space ?
All aboard …..its cheques for chickpeas. Huģgggggggggg !

Raul Aceña Trigoso

Comment on April 5th, 2019.

Greetings from Spain
Love your site, great and misterious music


Comment on April 12th, 2019.

Thank you that you are is in this world.
From Riga !


Comment on June 19th, 2019.

I am absolutely loving everything i hear on this channel, i’m not sure how this can get any better!? Love from Sweden :)


Comment on July 23rd, 2019.

This is the most wonderful thing I have ever encountered anywhere, better than sex, coffee, peace, love, and understanding.


Comment on July 23rd, 2019.

This is the most wonderful thing I have ever encountered anywhere, better than sex, coffee, peace, love, and understanding.


Comment on July 28th, 2019.

Long may you reign, Remote Operator.


Comment on July 30th, 2019.

the best!!!

cheers from Chile


Comment on September 18th, 2019.

Hei ìììì there, are you really in CN? Found you through Radio Garden, but you sound so Yankee – or I-talian. TKS


Comment on September 18th, 2019.

Yes indeed. An expat located in China.


Comment on September 28th, 2019.

Found this on Radio Garden as well. Sitting in Ohio looking at random isolated places. Did not expect this from Dali China, so on so forth, here I am. And I’ll stick to this cuz it is nice.


Comment on October 10th, 2019.


Tristan Deschamps

Comment on October 30th, 2019.

Thank you Radio Garden for bringing me here, I am feeling at home, I finally landed. Thank you for your amazing work!


Comment on November 10th, 2019.

I absolutely love what you are doing! Walking around the hills of Oakland listening to S&S makes me happy!!! I make sound collages and have been involved in experimental improvised sound making for years. Do you take submissions?


Comment on December 18th, 2019.

I can’t find you on iTunes anymore. Are you coming back? PLEASE DO!!!Where else can I find you?


Comment on February 5th, 2020.

hei & hello from Oslo, Norway,
traveling through radio.garden almost every wednesday and thursday, when Watching the radio in our project space “antipodes café Stue” by the harbor downtown Oslo (https://antipodes.cafe),
and S&S is our absolute favorite.
Can’t thank you enough!


Comment on February 17th, 2020.

love you guys u rock hard fuck ya


Comment on March 21st, 2020.

we need S&S now more than ever!


Comment on March 31st, 2020.

I love it!!! Everytime. Thank you.


Comment on April 1st, 2020.

In the Swedish summers on Friday nights, me and my father use to sit and BBQ at the river listening to Shirley & Spinoza and the fantastic radio host on it. Absolute bliss I tell you.


Comment on May 16th, 2020.

Ah, so this is home to all us aliens scattered on vast earth lands. Thank you. Do what you do forever. Wish all the best and pure drops of happiness to every and each of your eyeballs.

Yan Zommer

Comment on May 20th, 2020.

Also found at Radio Garden. You are marvelous! Thanks for an amasing music


Comment on July 26th, 2020.

Hi out there here to thanks the existence of this wonderful station trully where we aliens can feel home…from the southest city in Argentina, Ushuaia big hughs to everyone listening and reading this msg! Please keep bringing more of this magig our dearest Remote Operator.
PD arrive here thanks to Purosurpo! one more time gifting trips to my life.


Comment on August 7th, 2020.

If I were gay I would totally try to marry the remote operator!

Megan Broadmeadow

Comment on August 29th, 2020.

HEY guys- I found you through Radio Garden.
We are in Bristol UK and we love you!!!!
literally telling everyone that you may be the best, most quirkiest, eclectic selection in the actual world!!!
thank you for your commitmentto music beyond the everyday. You give us the sounds that lift the soul!! No generic shite hoorraahh!
Thanks you for sharing such unusual music.# You are a living breathing archive of sound and we salute you!!!!

Meg, Ed, Abi and Jamie xxxx

jerome L

Comment on September 3rd, 2020.

Since mars 2020 i spend my life with you !!

jerome L

Comment on September 3rd, 2020.

Thank you so much, perfect playlist !!

Richard and Jack

Comment on November 11th, 2020.

Can only echo the comments of Megan broadmeadow above. Also big love here from uk peeps in letchworth Hertfordshire. Wow absolutely love this radio garden treat. Thank you so much and lots of love. Richard and Jack xxx

Sarah Gallagher

Comment on November 21st, 2020.

I came here to heap praise. Nice to see others have likewise been gladdened by this amazing soundscape.


Comment on February 16th, 2021.

Found this station totally at random while surfing around the world on radio garden. I’m so happy to have chances upon y’all! Cheers from Houston, TX


Comment on February 16th, 2021.

Hi from State College Pennsylvania USA. Just now discovered you on Radio Garden. This is amazing! Are you really broadcasting from Dali China?

Emma Geronimo

Comment on February 17th, 2021.

Found TODAY via Radio Garden – Melbourne, Australia.
Loving the crazy mix!!!! And keen to get to Dali when we’re allowed out again.


Comment on February 17th, 2021.

The sounds you pick out really make me feel like the whole of Earth is open to me even if my doors are closed due to the virus. Keep on ‘scaping, S&S! Hi from Bulgaria.


Comment on February 19th, 2021.

Hello from Pennsylvania. Love the sounds. Can’t sleep because of surgical pain. Don’t leave!


Comment on February 20th, 2021.

No secret, s&S is a true champion. Spread this love.

Rolf Jonsson

Comment on February 23rd, 2021.

This is perfect, the infinite variety of sounds produced by humans.


Comment on February 25th, 2021.

From behind The Great Firewall you made it behind The Great Covidwall. Lastly i assumed you were in Singapore (Equator). In these times your work is much needed. Thank you for it.


Comment on February 25th, 2021.

Hearing you clearly in State College Pennsylvania on Radio Garden!


Comment on March 4th, 2021.

Found you guys through radio garden, been listening nonstop. Thank you for the sounds.


Comment on April 10th, 2021.

Listening happily here!


Comment on April 14th, 2021.

Who needs drugs? Get yourself some Shirley and Spinoza, people!


Comment on April 21st, 2021.

Hey Shirley. With lots of love and respect, we are listening to your radio with my girlfriend and just thought would be amazing to hear you wish her happy birthday live if you happen to read this, so I am trying with this comment.
Who knows, it might work!

Her name is Zoe

Keep it up my dear operator!
Thanks for the amazing vibes


Comment on May 5th, 2021.

Couldn’t help thinking that you two were behind this somehow:
…apparently not the firm denouncement we might want but a strong step nevertheless?


Comment on May 31st, 2021.

Hi. Live doesn’t work anymore?
It’s written that’s flash plug-in doesn’t support anymore. (s&S 24/7 stream!)

Btw, I’m your fan, I’ve been listening to s&S since 2013, you, guys, play the craziest music ever. I can’t believe that’s possible, you are totally unique.

With Love from Ukraine.


Comment on August 5th, 2021.

Thanks for sharing such inspiring work and unique vibes. Been a listener for years and am so glad s&s is still very much around. So grateful for your service.

much love from India.


Comment on January 16th, 2022.

Great uplifting stuff!!!
Rediscovered Shirley & Spinoza after 10 years or so, so happy it still exists, thanks for the fun music and please keep up the good work.
Regards from Amsterdam, NL ;-}


Comment on January 17th, 2022.

Une vrai radio du quotidien !
Bisous de France

sven geberit

Comment on January 27th, 2022.

bless u all nice ppz


Comment on January 31st, 2022.

Love love love. And more love. Thanks for being a thing, S&S.

et in blo

Comment on March 9th, 2022.


Roni Driyastoto

Comment on April 11th, 2022.

Amazing musical experience! Thank you for sharing this. Keep it up dude. God bless you all…

Love from Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Tarren van Ettinger

Comment on August 25th, 2022.

I love this! I never know what I’m gonna hear next! It’s totally wild! Just shared your stream with some friends and my partner.

Chris startt

Comment on September 2nd, 2022.

So random.
I love this
It’s like mad magazine, but on the radio.
Chris from Easton Maryland


Comment on November 3rd, 2022.

cheerio from switzerland, friendo. your radio effort and you are some of the best things this world has to offer right now. <3

Tom El

Comment on November 18th, 2022.

Greetings from Buffalo NY, USA. Thanks for all the inspired weirdness!

Alejandro Remeseiro

Comment on April 19th, 2023.

I was not at all expecting to find this absolute brilliant gem in Radio Garden. I LOVE THE SOUNDS I’M LISTENING ON YOUR STATION!! Thanks for your awesome work!!


Comment on May 2nd, 2023.

los encontré por Radio.Garden…una locura…
gracias desde Argentina


Comment on June 21st, 2023.

Much love from the UK <3


Comment on June 28th, 2023.

Just came across your station on Radio Garden. Fantastic and fascinating! Thanks for the beauty and variety of your mix. Will be listening often. Love from Australia! <3

José González

Comment on September 29th, 2023.

Grandioso hallazgo vía Radio Garden.
Nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena


Comment on October 23rd, 2023.

I’ve first encountered this radio station back in 2021 and I really enjoyed it! Beautiful and amazing in-house mixes and electron beats. If you’re into some up beat in-house electrons and contents that doesn’t even exist in record stores, S&S is the place!
Tuning in from Kuching, Malaysia. A town where natural ethnic music can be heard as well.


Comment on December 14th, 2023.

S&S is good for the soul!


Comment on January 1st, 2024.

When this radio was launched?


Comment on January 8th, 2024.

@Snap: s&S Radio has been streaming on the internet since 2001 from our studio which has moved countries a few times (USA, China, New Zealand). Before that, in the later 90s we were transmitting with low powered FM in Oakland, California.


Comment on January 22nd, 2024.

I have not a damn idea what this is supposed to be, and I love it. Maybe that’s the point, to some extent.


Comment on February 19th, 2024.

Love this station! What’s the history behind it?


Comment on February 20th, 2024.

This station is amazing! Who is the Remote Operator :) ?


Comment on April 2nd, 2024.

I found this station at Radio Garden because I also stayed in Dali during Pandemic ( I am Chinese). Now I’m studying in the Netherlands, if I come back to Dali one day to find my friends, can I meet you guys too?


Comment on April 18th, 2024.

NPR All Songs Considered mentioned Radio Garden, so I downloaded it and within 5 minutes stumbled upon Shirley & Spinoza. There are surprises left in the world.


Comment on June 10th, 2024.




Comment on July 16th, 2024.

shirley and spinoza makes me so happy, i love this place :)

by far one of the coolest corners of the internet, thank you remote operator for all you’ve done!


Comment on October 7th, 2024.

I’m from mx, idk why i digged music in that specific area in the world using radio garden, luck i Guess. Now two years. Thanks for your eclecticism.


Comment on October 30th, 2024.

It’s been 7 years since I last tuned in, found you in 2006 way via I Tunes. Keep it up, I’ll be tuning in more often. The right mix of weirdness this world needs. Takes me back to Resonance FM in London.


Comment on November 7th, 2024.

This is the weirdest radio station I’ve ever heard, I love it!!


Comment on November 21st, 2024.

I’ve returned to this radio after a few years, as Youtube is becoming impossible to watch due to ads & flooded with sloppy AI music. Meanwhile, Shirley & Spinoza is as quality as ever, ever appealing to my jaded ears :)

Jasper Putnam

Comment on November 25th, 2024.

Hi, its a host from a far away place, the Creature. I host stuff from 2-3pm on mondays 99.1fm WXDR – New Orleabs. Already have been embracing my owb weirdness. But figuring out about you guys has been inspirational.

Will definitely be tuning in more.

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