guest performance: James Livingston & Kristin Miltner

Posted on December 29th, 2002 by s&S.
Categories: electronic, improvisation, performance.

Sunday, December 29th 2002, 8:00pm-9:30pm PST
LIVE: James Livingston & Kristin Miltner


wearing MAX hats this evening – performed live from Compound-Eye

mp3 excerpts:


s&S: It’s Melting!

Posted on December 22nd, 2002 by s&S.
Categories: collage, holiday theme, live-mix, spoken, vintage s&S.

Sunday, December 22nd 2002, 8:00pm-9:30pm PST
LIVE: Shirley & Spinoza

“the Kwanzanukahmas NogAssault”
the polar ice-cap melted, the radio died and the new satellite performance setup of #2 fought back on our very special holiday episode!
(i can think of two stockings that were filled withlumps-o-coal.)

mp3 excerpts:

download the entire thing below:



s&S: December 8th, 2002

Posted on December 8th, 2002 by s&S.
Categories: collage, live-mix, vintage s&S.

Sunday, December 8th 2002, 8:00pm-9:30pm PST
LIVE: Bor & Organ


live concoction & transposition of high frequency Sunday, make-out music from our radio telescope

(Live ‘remixes’ of the pioneering electronic music & sounds of Raymond Scott, Bruce Haack & others

mp3 excerpts: