Ub Radio #02: DoGGoD

Posted on July 3rd, 2005 by s&S.
Categories: *Big City Orchestra, *Ub Radio, collage, experimental, improvisation, noise, spoken.

July 3rd 2005, 8-11pm
(…as with 1st Sundays of the month):
Ub Radio: DoGGoD

LIVE from the s&S studios (and the hallways in between)

featuring object & machine sounds by: tonight’s Big City Orchestra (dAS, Ninah Pixie, Cheryl E. Leonard, Rob Wortman, Otis Fodder, tradeMARK, Christy Brand and Fausto)

**..the Canine Divine… all (or most) of your concerns about the canine and the divine were elegantly dealt with during this month’s 3 hour routine-ritual-audio-procedure

running time: 3 hours


Ub Radio #01: Moths, Drones & Aircraft Carriers

Posted on June 5th, 2005 by s&S.
Categories: *Big City Orchestra, *Ub Radio, experimental, improvisation, noise, spoken.

June 5th 2005, 8-11pm

(…as with first-Sundays the month):

Ub Radio: Moths, Drones & Aircraft Carriers


10 years on KZSC…………….. and kicked off.
2 years on KALX ………………. and kicked off.
2 shows on KUSF ……………….and kicked off.

…..maybe shirley & Spinoza will be our friends ???

LIVE from the s&S studios (and the hallways in between)

Special Guests: hell, they were ALL special!”

**mp3 excerpts:

running time: 3 hours


live performance: Big City Orchestra & UNIVAC Index

Posted on January 12th, 2003 by s&S.
Categories: *Big City Orchestra, electronic, improvisation, noise, performance.

Sunday, January 12th 2003, 8:00pm -11:00pm PST
LIVE: The UNIVAC Index & Big City Orchestra

moogs, so many moogs… & KAOSS pads….so many KAOSS pads (even custom glowing blue ones)
3 hours of electronic synth drones. spanning ‘terribly evil’ to ‘sweet waterbed’ noise

mp3 excerpts: