UbRadio: Yak Beer (aka the last Ub show on s&S)
LIVE-webcast: May 7th, 2006
“Our good pal F-yakbeer-sto, most honorable host of Shirley & Spinoza internet radio, will be heading back to “country-X” for a while to pursue his adventures, so we wanted to put together a sort of send-off with our last uB-radio broadcast on s&S as we wish him well and show our appreciation for hosting the uB-radio show for a while. A lot of good times were had at these shows and much camaraderie and creativity was shared. We’re equally as appreciative that F-yakbeer-sto put forth all the great creative energy to help archive them online in their entirety.
running time: 3 hours
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Special Needs Pony
I miss the Shirley and Spinoza show very much. These archival tidbits are quite nice for now though. Please come back!
I think I’m in love with the narrator of the Yak pieces.
The Wacky Yak
I only agree with two thirds of the information about yaks given here.