Remote Operator: 大家好 – part 1

Posted on July 21st, 2009 by s&S.
Categories: Remote Operator.

大家好!(hi everyone!). After a bit of an extended break, I just couldn’t take *not* doing shows any more…so here’s the first of the current streak of new Remote Operator shows to come, live-mixed and webcast direct from the PRC!
In this show: environmental recordings from life here in China, genuine Chinese tunes, a few faked Chinese tunes, noise, opera clips (both Beijing & Cantonese), cat solos, snatches direct from the radio waves of Nanning, Kunming, Urumqi, and Suzhou. – Oh… and  bit of thematically less-connected material that I was shamelessly inspired to throw in ….

In contrast to all the Central Asian elements showcased in the Xinjiang, PRC  shows over on the ROGC site by yours truly, this hour is of a distinctly ‘East Side’ flavor.  Enjoy!

listen to SO-SO quality stream here:

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OR – DOWNLOAD a high quality mp3 below:
