Old Timey Radio (31)

Posted on October 31st, 2007 by s&S.
Categories: .

Aw – heck. Why not for the time being offer up a few old timey radio dramas from the true golden age of radio.

There was a time when I’d regularly play episodes from these lovely old series each night at a set time via my pirate fm radio rig out into the deep, dark Oakistani neighborhood. Sitting up on the roof with my crappy headphones gazing out across the bay, I’d tune into my own hoodcasts, hitching a time-machine radio-ride to within the scenes depicted by the likes of Escape, Suspense, Arch Obler, X-minus One, Crime Classics and the like.
Have an affinity for the disembodied voices of long gone story tellers like I do? – well then, here ya go!

I’ll add additional shows every so often…stay tuned.

listen from the player or download by clicking on the image in the left hand window.

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Yvette -Misao Olivier

Comment on September 8th, 2009.

perfect <3

Tony Taylor

Comment on March 9th, 2011.

I’m looking for one of your songs: A “ditzy” “daffy” woman sings in 1920′s or 30′s music theater style, emulating a phonograph that keeps skipping back and repeating. I can only remember snatches of the song, but it’s really high-energy endearing: “I love you; I love you; I love you; I do-o-o” “Woo woo woo woo! [giggles]” “You may think I’m daffy …” I have to have this song!

I’ve been a listener for a couple of years. This is the best streaming radio I’ve ever heard. No, make that the best music mix I’ve ever heard, period! Keep doing what you do (Woo woo woo wooo!)

Gerry Byrne

Comment on April 9th, 2013.

This is glorious listening; absolutely gorgeous and wonderfully reassuring, many thanks…

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