ROGC: The Radiohoof Home Repair Kit

Posted on August 28th, 2005 by s&S.
Categories: *Otis Fodder, *Royal Oakland Gramophone Co., collage, live-mix, music mix, spoken.

August 28th, 2005, 8-10pm
ROGC: The Radiohoof Home Repair Kit


T’was that time of the month, and there wasn’t a single Otis to be found!
But, ah! An audio telegram arrived to inform that while staying in the luxury Comfortstand executive condo, a sudden slip in the shower caused the poor guy to tumble out of the bathroom window and plunge 3 floors right onto a passing banana cart.

So, in lieu of a show WITH Fodder, presented was a show FOR Fodder – as a web radio was sure to be on just beyond the length of his full plaster leg cast -
we presented essential get well material and safety tips in the:
“Radio Hoof Home Repair Kit”

The Man of the hour WAS able to participate in the show however, by emailing his commentary to the studio as the show progressed where one of our interns (some kid named Stephen Hawking) read them live on the air.

Many thanks to the good folks who helped out with this “get well” card with your voices & words: Katyana, Splogman, Chenard Walcker, Headphoner & the Nurse, The Pill Bug, George Washington, Ninah, Das, Shirley & Spinoza (duh), Harlan, Bevin Blectum & jLesser, The Tod.

Otey says: “thanky thanky, y’all!”


running time: 2 hours

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