Sagan: a live web performance!

Posted on March 13th, 2005 by s&S.
Categories: *Sagan, electronic, experimental, improvisation, performance.

Sunday, March 13th, 2005, 8pm



A live cross-town studio to studio sound link from bLeakhouse to Compound-Eye: Sagan = (Blevin Blectum, Lesser, and Wobbly).

Beaming directly from their bLeakhouse studio, Sagan remotely hotdogged the s&S shuttlecraft though the crab nebula, dicey asteroid fields and hyperspace rips without even breaking a sweat – not to mention that perfect 3 point landing on stage just in time to kick Rick Wakeman’s scrawny little 1978 cape-wearin ass.

mp3 excerpts:

running time: 2 hours


s&S relays SFEMF: 2004

Posted on August 5th, 2004 by s&S.
Categories: electronic, experimental, performance.

LIVE remote webcast of the San Francisco Electronic Music Festival over 3 days. The performers are listed below, though the audio archive is not currenty available.

LIVE: San Francisco Electronic Music Festival
August 5-7, 2004
Evening One

Evening Two

Evening Three



LIVE remote: Matmos & Lesser while Wobbs watches

Posted on April 16th, 2003 by s&S.
Categories: electronic, experimental, improvisation, performance.

Wednesday, April 16th 2003, 8pm PST
LIVE: Matmos and Lesser (while Wobbly watches)

A rare live broadcast from the Matmos studios, featuring grand piano, dobro, and match lighting. All supervised by the conscientious gaze of Wobbly).
In memory of number one, as he trekked on his remote sound gathering expedition.mp3 excerpts:

1 comment.

s&S: Deep Freeze

Posted on March 2nd, 2003 by s&S.
Categories: collage, electronic, experimental, found / thriftstore, improvisation, vintage s&S.

Sunday, March 2nd 2003, 8:00pm-9:15pm PST
LIVE: Shirley & Spinoza – Deep Freeze part 1
one of the last two LIVE regular webcasts before we took a hiatus until ’05.

The cryogenic deep freeze / radio-shadow (by way of other land masses, projects) show that would bring a pause to new shows for while.

This spinoz-o-spheric mixup was in lieu of a scheduled guest performer who bailed at the last minute.
Good riddence as i think this night was much more fruitful as a result.
Lunar soundscraping was brought to you by ole s&S instead with gusto and in time for your Sunday evening zero-G tea break..
Here we heard much of and from the red planet, apollo, and Richard Burton at his most apocalyptic
Featuring elements from: war of the martian-apollo wolf seed experiment.

….came and went….

running time: 1 hour 13 mins


s&S: January 19th, 2003 (highlights from past shows)

Posted on January 19th, 2003 by s&S.
Categories: *Some Damn Intern, collage, electronic, experimental, live-mix, other guests, vintage s&S.

Sunday, January 19th 2003, 8:00pm-9:30 PST
LIVE: some damn intern

mixed highlights from past live s & S webcasts 10/02-01/03

Thumbing through the index of LIVE webcasts from the preceding few months,
highlights included snippets of guest collagists and noisemakers
David Slusser, Len Peterson, Kristin Miltner, James Livingston
in addition to the usual s&S concocted fare.