Radio El Monte

Posted on July 27th, 2008 by s&S.
Categories: music mix, other guests, Radio El Monte.

My pop, the king of mariachi mix-tapes, was excited when i suggested we do a little podcasty 1 hour mix of favorite songs and sounds from his collection to share. I mean, what’s a visit home (after 2 long years in the PRC!) without attempting to revisit the cultural household sounds of my youth and make a little radio show with them, right?
Featuring music and other fun recordings. If you understand Spanish, you’ll get the back-announces and other half of the banter. Otherwise, you can follow the playlist below. Enjoy!

listen to SO-SO quality stream here:

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DOWNLOAD Hi Quality HERE: Radio El Monte 2008/07/27

playing time : 1 hour


  • Mom talking while walking – GO!
  • Dad’s introduction / Mom’s OK
  • 2. NAYLA (Marimba)
  • DJ’s (FC3 & FC2) Intros and banter
  • station ID: Radio…Radio…Radio!
  • 3. LA NEGRA (Mariachi)
  • DJ’s Caceres (sorry for the slight distortion)
  • 4. TE TRAIGO SERENATA (Pedro Vargas)
  • Mom talking “I love it. I love it!”
  • 5. LUPITA (Sonora Matancera)
  • DJ’s Caceres (with Dad’s back announce)
  • Commercial: Fundador Cognac
  • Victor, Mom and Dad singing
  • Mom didn’t like it
  • 7. MIA (Trio Los Panchos)
  • 8. AMALIA ROSA (Jose Luis Rodriguez)
  • Mom & Rocky (mom’s bird)
  • 9. QUIZAS, QUIZAS (Pedro Vargas)
  • Commercial: Fundador Cognac #2
  • 10. PELEA DE GALLOS (Mariachi America)
  • DJ’s Caceres with Dad’s back announce
  • 11. MOSAICO HONDUREÑO (Marimba Usula)
  • Sofia & Erika – slap
  • Little Rascals haw haw haw
  • 12. EL TENAMPA (Pedro Infante)
  • Mom “about another one”
  • 13. GUADALAJARA (Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlan)
  • 14. LA VERDOLAGA (Juan Torres con Mariachi)
  • DJ Caceres’ :D ad’s song introduction
  • 15. LAS MAÑANITAS (Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlan)
  • Victor & Dad singing
  • 16. CEREZO ROSA (Perez Prado)
  • 17. DE NIÑA A MUJER (Julio Iglesias)
  • DJ’s Caceres: Good bye!
  • 18. VOY A APAGAR LA LUZ (Trio Los Panchos)
  • Just relax

Followup Radio El Monte show is HERE

1 comment.

Music Furthest from the Sea (radio show)

Posted on July 24th, 2008 by s&S.
Categories: music mix, Xinjiang.

Music Furthest from the Sea (radio show)

The ROGC’s Music Furthest from the Sea: Sounds of Xinjiang music mix radio show is an ongoing collection of music from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (as well as other parts of central Asia) presented thus far as 8 (EIGHT!) half-hour podcasts. Featured is the popular, folk and classical Muqam music of the region from a variety of sources and heavy on original field recordings; as well as clips & commercials from actual Urumchi, Uyghur language radio.

Show page and files are HERE



Radio KNUTe 2

Posted on May 6th, 2008 by s&S.
Categories: music mix, other guests.

music mix

KNUTe – Edison

From our favorite SoCal Norwegian Viking covered in kittens comes this second titillating sack of plundered Barbie heads – all from the desktop radio studio of KNUTe.



Radio KNUTe 1

Posted on May 6th, 2008 by s&S.
Categories: misc, music mix, other guests.

Mic Bud + Linda 33

music mix

From our favorite SoCal Norwegian Viking covered in kittens comes this drinking horn brimming with goodies – compiled from the desktop radio studio of KNUTe.



Otis Fodder’s Friendly Persuasion (and more)

Posted on April 16th, 2006 by s&S.
Categories: *Otis Fodder, collage, exotic, found / thriftstore, music mix, spoken.


Friendly Persuasion (2 shows!) ….and more
webcast: April 16, 2006


“Breaker, Breaker HoneyHive 1- this is QueenBee. do you copy? over.”
“copy Queen Bee, this is HoneyHive 1, go ahead….over.”
“looks like we’ve got an Otis Fodder in possession of a stolen s&S webcast…..
that’s Fod-der….Foxtrot, Oscar, Delta, Delta, Echo, Romeo. do you copy? over.”
“We copy Queen Bee. we’re sending backup right away. you just monitor the transmissions & stay on his tail, Queen Bee. do you copy? over”
“roger, HoneyHive. Driving blind but the Queen Bee’s got her big Queen ears ON. over”

due to some mysterious turn of events, Mr. Fodder didn’t actually make it to the s&S studio this night. Without a hitch however, an Otis plan B was put into play as we spun a couple of his fantastically fun Friendly Persuasion shows from last year. I present them here for your enjoyment along with the adjoining whine & banter: ‘where’s Otis?’ & extra music at heads and tails. enjoy!

running time: 2+ hours