*Big City Orchestra *Headphoner & the Nurse *Neighborhood Bass Coalition *Otis Fodder *Radio Obadia *Royal Oakland Gramophone Co. *Sagan *Some Damn Intern *Ub Radio collage compilations electronic exotic experimental extras! field recordings found / thriftstore holiday theme improvisation Latest Additions! live-mix misc music mix noise old timey radio! other guests performance Radio El Monte Remote Operator Semi-Bi-Quarterly spoken vintage s&S visual Xinjiang
Posted on May 14th, 2006 by s&S.
Categories: *Royal Oakland Gramophone Co., collage, electronic, exotic, experimental, found / thriftstore, Latest Additions!, live-mix, noise, spoken.
ROGC: The Big Jettison! (last show)
LIVE-mixed webcast re-hash: May 14th, 2006
This was the last live-mix webcast on s&S from the Oakistan studio. over 5 hours long – conveniently broken up into 1 hour chunks because…. well, lets just be reasonable.
This night we released the auxiliary rocket boosters and sand bags, folks.
This was the LAST live webcast show on s&S – at least for a good while. So, it seemed appropriate to needle-drop on highlights from past ROGC shows; say farewell, play some music, too many clips from The Omega Man DVD and whatever else fell into the mix.
Over the last year plus, I took to offering these regular little themed sonic rides … from low-concept to slightly above low-concept – creating the soundtracks of imaginary films on the fly! During that time, this little Sunday ROGC theater offered the improvised likes of vaudville dada-systems; semi stories, wishful documentaries; the sounds of party-favor science films and sometimes even just nice music.
With several varied but themed sources and elements routinely layered at once (via turntables, CD’s, mp3′s, loops, microphoned objects, a synth, sampler, etc…) , sonic terrains and narratives were revealed to me in the same moments as they were to those of you that tuned in for the LIVE webcasts.
Yay! live-mix!
Anyway…. if you enjoy any string of these clips & excerpts, please find and pay a listen to the entire original show, they’re all available in the archive! the latter ones have thorough playlist pages, I’ll get to the older ones as time allows.
It’s been a long time coming, but your studio host and the Oakistani catacomb studio will be permanently parting ways soon – I’ll be offing to the opposite side of the sphere to live, work and ideally re-establish a smooth phono-genic link with you all very soon by way of new downloadable, regionally inspired shows – so i hope you’ll pay an ear in time.
Snipping cables and burning receipts is gritty, dirty, time consuming business, so best to discontinue these with some weeks to spare.This is not a disappearing act entirely, as the regular day to day shirley & Spinoza stream will continue – and a new era of s&S radio is poking just around the corner. So, no worries…I hope you’ll stay tuned.
Where to?: returning to Xinjiang, P.R. China – for a good while. There’ll be more info here soon with more details about all that….but here, enjoy a little bit of the past.
-yours in sound & servitude,
-FC (s&S / ROGC/ your crotchety 99 year old intern, etc)
running time: 5 hours!
Posted on April 16th, 2006 by s&S.
Categories: *Otis Fodder, collage, exotic, found / thriftstore, music mix, spoken.
Friendly Persuasion (2 shows!) ….and more
webcast: April 16, 2006
“Breaker, Breaker HoneyHive 1- this is QueenBee. do you copy? over.”
“copy Queen Bee, this is HoneyHive 1, go ahead….over.”
“looks like we’ve got an Otis Fodder in possession of a stolen s&S webcast…..
that’s Fod-der….Foxtrot, Oscar, Delta, Delta, Echo, Romeo. do you copy? over.”
“We copy Queen Bee. we’re sending backup right away. you just monitor the transmissions & stay on his tail, Queen Bee. do you copy? over”
“roger, HoneyHive. Driving blind but the Queen Bee’s got her big Queen ears ON. over”
due to some mysterious turn of events, Mr. Fodder didn’t actually make it to the s&S studio this night. Without a hitch however, an Otis plan B was put into play as we spun a couple of his fantastically fun Friendly Persuasion shows from last year. I present them here for your enjoyment along with the adjoining whine & banter: ‘where’s Otis?’ & extra music at heads and tails. enjoy!
running time: 2+ hours
Posted on April 9th, 2006 by s&S.
Categories: *Royal Oakland Gramophone Co., collage, exotic, experimental, found / thriftstore, live-mix, spoken.
ROGC: Let’s Go Flexican!
LIVE-mixed webcast: April 9th, 2006
If you and I have anything in common, it’s most likely that we spend way too much time in front of this glowing box. Am I right?
I even heard your knuckles crack as you tried to close this window in a panic.
Not so fast, loyal s&S radio listener! We’re on your side and help HAS arrived!
Join the Royal Oakland Gramophone Company as we offer 2 hours of live-mixed sounds, music and coaching to really re-spring those mouse-clicking support frames.
“Leotards on by 8!
Don’t be late!
We’re going FLEXICAN!”
yours in humble servitude,
-DJ Future Fossil
running time: 2 hours
Posted on April 2nd, 2006 by s&S.
Categories: *Big City Orchestra, *Ub Radio, electronic, experimental, improvisation, noise, spoken.
UbRadio: Mars Means WAR!!!
LIVE-webcast: April 2nd, 2006
no two ways about it -
Mars Means War!
Battling for Team Earth were:
dAS, Wobbly, Univac.
Jesse Burson, Ninah Pixie, Melissa Margolis
on microphone duty
& Fausto surfing faders.
running time: 3 hours
Posted on March 26th, 2006 by s&S.
Categories: *Headphoner & the Nurse, *Some Damn Intern, collage, electronic, exotic, experimental, found / thriftstore, live-mix, spoken.
Headphoner & The Nurse: (2 shows!) ….and more
webcast: March 26th, 2006
Hello Dear Radio Patient,
It’s time again for your regular sonofone exam with Headphoner & the Nurse.
Your 2-hour appointment has been scheduled for this evening.
Please avoid eating solid food for 1 hour prior.
Headphoner & the Nurse:
hour 1: Wake Up & Ketch Up
hour 2: Untitled LIVE sound sandwich
Some Damn Intern:
hour 3: just some more sounds & music to carry you further into the night.
running time: 3+ hours