While the title of this ‘show’ might suggest that it directly followed Episode 23, that’s not exactly the case.
“23″ was a half hour compilation of segments from the first semester of s&S during the CalArts years – compiled from and to cassette in 1993. Episode 24 was also similarly a compilation sampler of unrelated segments but mostly pulled from the shows when S of s&S had a generally solo stint assaulting the micro-power airwaves at Free Radio Berkeley the year or two following (1994-5).
After graduating, S of s&S moved up north to the San Francisco Bay Area, while s of s&S stayed at CalArts for another pair of years to throw more money into the art school well. Often I (s) would generate layered source mix tapes to send north to Dave and he would use use them in the mix of his show at FRB – which was at the time in the converted upstairs bathroom of a group hippie house in Oakland. Truth be told, “s&S north” may have embellished these clips a bit before offing them to me by post back in 1994 or ’5. But a spastic radio-audio letter from a best pal, shoot! what could be more fun to get in the mail?…
And…so…. suddenly, the Berkeley burnout callers revealed proof of the geography…no question that s&S had quite shifted to the Bay Area.
Listen to a Lo-Fi stream here:
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stream / download the Hi-Fi 192kbps MP3 file below:
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By 1997 you had gottenuch more polished and awesome. I hope this is not the extent of your memories of this period.
Hola Fausto! We are on the Island of Sant antioco, in Sardegna, in our volkswagen t2 Camper, in Front of the sea , Just switched on s&s and luckily caught your live transmissin. Thank yoouu, magic is happening:) Roberto & Caroline